1. General provisions on the use of the sales system
1.1. At keltai.lt, Estravel has made available a real-time online database and sales portal (hereinafter: Sales System) for passenger transport and services provided by ferry operators.
1.2. The Sales System allows for twenty-four hour comparisons of Ferry Operators’ offers and services (i.e. departure times, prices, additional services, the number of free seats, etc.) and to buy tickets for sailings with Viking Line, Eckerö Line and LindaLine Express (hereinafter: Ferry Operators).
1.3. The use of the booking system for buying a ferry ticket (hereinafter: Ticket) is free of charge for the customer, that is, the selling price of a Ticket is not subject to Estravel’s booking fee or any other additional fees.
1.4. The Ferry Operators provide services and information via the Sales System “as is” and “as is possible”.Access to and use of the Sales System are are entirely at the user’s own risk. Estravel is a sales agent for Ferry Operators and acts on behalf of and for Ferry Operators. Estravel is not liable for any loss or damage that may result due to the use of the Sales System or any applications linked to it; nor is it liable for any loss or damage resulting from the service not being available.
1.5. By using the Sales System, the client expresses her/his consent to the terms and conditions provided on the website, including these terms and conditions and the terms of the contract for passenger transport by the Ferry Operator.
1.6. Transactions in the Sales Systems may be completed by a person person with active legal capacity of at least 18 years of age.Responsibility for bookings and orders completed by a person who does not meet the requirements will lie with the person whose bank account or credit card was used to make payment.
1.7. By entering data in the Sales System, the person provides her/his consent for the transmission of personal data, both hers/his and those of other persons for whom s/he buys services, and any other data needed for the provision of services to the Ferry Operator and third parties where this is related to to the conclusion and/or performance of the contract.
1.8. The Ferry Company and/or Estravel is entitled to not execute the customer’s action if the customer has not complied with the terms and conditions of sale or the instructions displayed in the Sales System or has not paid for her/his order.
2. Use of the Sales System and tickets
2.1. When buying a Ticket, the customer acts on the instructions provided in the Sales System. Links are provided in the Sales System. When clicking on these, the customer can review the relevant terms and conditions as well as detailed information. Entering false data, completing duplicate bookings or any other misuse of the Sales System are forbidden.
2.2. The customer is to check the accuracy of the data (personal data, vehicle dimensions, discounts) entered in the Sales System, bearing the risk for any loss or damage potentially resulting from any error on the customer’s part. A Ferry Operator has the right to verify the accuracy of data until the completion of the sailing. In the event of the provision of false data, the operator has the right to ask for additional fees or can refuse to offer the service.
2.3. Before an electronic Ticket is bought, the Sales System will display the data entered by the customer, so that any errors during entry may be identified and rectified. Ifthe customer’s name on the electronic Ticket does not match the passenger’s name on the travel documents, the Ticket will be invalid.
2.4. The Ticket booking completed by the customer and the payment for the Ticket booked are construed as the customer’s proposal to conclude a contract for passenger transport. The customer’s suggestion will be retained in the Sales System electronically for 2 (two) years, and at the customer’s request Estravel will forward it to the customer’s e-mail address.
2.5. On receipt of the consent of the Ferry Operator to the customer’s suggestion, the contract for passenger transport between the customer and the Ferry Operator is deemed to have been concluded. In confirmation of the conclusion of the contract for passenger transport, Estravel will send an electronic Ticket for the Ferry Operator to the e-mail address advised by the customer. Furthermore, a confirmation SMS is sent to the customer’s telephone.
2.6. If the customer has not received a Ticket or confirmation within one hour of a payment order being effected (when the link to the bank is active), the customer must inform Estravel about this immediately.
2.7. If the Ferry Operator does not provide its consent to the customer’s suggestion, no contract for passenger transport will be concluded, and Estravel will refund any payment made by the customer.
2.8. Payment for Tickets may be made via an Internet bank and/or by credit card.
2.9. On receipt of the Ticket, the customer should immediately verify the accuracy of her/his name, itinerary, the dates of the travel services and any other relevant data. Estravel will rectify any technical deficiencies caused by the agent at the time off the issuance of the documents. Subsequent rectification of deficiencies, changes or cancellation is not possible or is possible for an additional fee only.
2.10. Should a Ticket issued for the customer have a deficiency of any kind whatsoever caused by data incorrectly entered by the customer, any changes requested by the customer will be honoured insofar as the existing resources and options for buying new Tickets permit. In such an event, the customer hereby undertakes to pay all the expenses resulting from the change and/or buying new Tickets.
2.11. Before sailing, check-in must be completed in a timely manner, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ferry Operator. For that you need the reservation number shown on the electronic Ticket bought through the Sales System and the documentation (passport, ID card) for the vehicle and the passengers.
3. Applicable conditions of the Ferry Operators
3.1. In addition to these terms and conditions of the Sales System, Tickets bought through the Sales System are also subject to the general and special terms and conditions of the Ferry Operators. Before paying for the voucher, it is required that you familiarise yourself with the conditions of the Ferry Operator. By paying for the ferry Ticket, the customer confirms that s/he has reviewed the terms and conditions of the Sales System and the Ferry Operator and accepts them.
3.2. Times of departure and arrival shown on the Ticket or itinerary are subject to change. Due to weather conditions, technical or other reasons, sailings may be delayed or cancelled occasionally.
3.3. The customer should plan her/his travel with a sufficient time allowance, so that any potential changes in the departures of sailings will not interfere with expectations for the sailing.
3.4. In the event of delay or cancellation, the Ferry Operator will not be liable to the passenger for any expenses related to the use or non-use of potential services by third parties. Nor is any compensation provided for any potential loss or damage caused due to delay in arrival at the destination or the cancellation of a sailing.
3.5. If the operator has decided to cancel the departure, you should ask for more detailed information from the operator of the ferry for which you bought the Ticket. Ferry operators inform their passengers about cancelled departures and offer replacements – therefore it is important to give the cell phone number and e-mail address of the correct contact person when making the reservation.
4. Changing tickets
4.1. The conditions for changing a Ticket differ from operator to operator and can involve additional expenses. As a rule, a Ticket on which changes are permitted may be exchanged only for a Ticket for another departure with the same Ferry Operator. Generally, special offers cannot be changed.
4.2. Information about restrictions that apply for changing the Ticket are generally displayed in the reservations system along with the special offer; the restrictions are also noted on the Ticket itself.
4.3. Where possible, the Ticket can be changed if you send an e-mail to this effect to keltai@estravel.lt (change requests take up to 24 hours to be processed) or call us (+370) 5 2125809. Estravel service fee for ticket change - 10 EUR.
5. Cancelling tickets
5.1. Cancellation and refund of a Ticket bought via the Sales System is subject to the terms and conditions of the Ferry Company. Cancellation of a Ticket is subject to Estravel’s service fee - 10 EUR, deducted from the amount refunded.
5.2. The refunded sum for a cancelled voucher is calculated within 10 days. The refund is made into the same account used to purchase the Ticket, within 10 days of the cancellation at the latest. A purchased Ticket may be cancelled at https://keltai.lt/en/cancel
6. Travel documents
6.1. Estravel and the Ferry Operator presume that all passengers, including children, hold the required travel documents (visa, passport, identity card, etc). Nationals of different states may be subject to different requirements for visas or travel documents.
6.2. The passenger should obtain relevant information from embassies or the ministry of foreign affairs of her/his country.
6.3. The customer should also observe the validity period of her/his travel documents and the conformity thereof to the required conditions.
6.4. Neither Estravel nor the Ferry Company will be liable if the contract for passenger transport is not performed due to the absence of a travel document or due to the action of the state authorities.
7. Protection of passenger’s rights
7.1. The single text of Regulation (EU) No. 1177/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the rights of passengers travelling by ferry – including with respect to the non-discrimination of passengers in the transport conditions offered by the Ferry Operators; the rights of passengers in the event of death or injury caused by an accident during the use of a sailing or in the event of loss of or damage to luggage; the non-discrimination and assistance of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility; the rights of passengers in the event of the cancellation or delay of a sailing; the provision of minimum information; the lodgement and handling of complaints – is available at: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=celex:32010R1177
7.2. Disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility should notify Estravel or the Ferry Operator of their special needs at the time of placing an order or buying passenger transport services, provided that the need in question is known at the time. Estravel is obliged to take receipt of the information obtained and forward it to the Ferry Operator immediately.
7.3. Estravel will not be responsible for the performance of the Ferry Operator’s obligations, sales promises or services provision under the contract for passenger transport. Nor will Estravel be liable if the Ferry Operator withdraws from its sales promise or changes the cost of a Ticket or service as these are redeemed.
8. Jurisdiction
8.1. The contract between Estravel and the customer concerning the use of the Sales System is subject to the legislation of the Republic of Estonia, with the Harju County Court having jurisdiction over any disputes.
8.2. The contract for passenger transport between the customer and the Ferry Operator will be subject to the law of the state provided in the terms and conditions of the Ferry operator or to international law.
9. Travel insurance
9.1. When you purchase a Ticket, you are advised to conclude a travel insurance contract. The Ferry Operator need not be liable for loss or damage or additional expense incurred by the customer in every instance. Travel insurance may provide assistance and receipt of prompt compensation, for example, in the event of the interruption or cancellation of a trip, lost luggage or health problems and/or accidents involving the customer.
9.2. We recommend that the insurance contract also include insurance for trip interruption/cancellation, which mostly compensates for any additional expenses resulting from a trip being cancelled or delayed.
10. Lodgement of complaints
10.1. Any complaints are lodged and resolved in accordance with the terms and conditions for travel services established by Estravel, allowing for the fact that the customer subject to the regulation specified in clause 7.1. of these terms and conditions is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Ferry Operator or Estravel within two (2) months as of the date on which services were or should have been provided. Within one month of its receipt of the complaint, the Ferry Operator hereby undertakes to reply to the customer’s complaint and advise whether the complaint is well-founded, rejected or still pending. A final reply should be provided within two (2) months of receipt of the complaint at the latest.
10.2. With the Sales System, Estravel would like to provide the best possible customer service for the sale of Tickets as these are offered and sold. Please note that, unfortunately, Estravel is unable to actually process complaints that are the responsibility of the Ferry Operator and concern, amongst other things, provision of passenger transport, customer service aboard a ferry or at a terminal, luggage handling, or the actions of a security company or the representatives of the state authorities. In such instances, we can only offer our advice along with the contact details of the appropriate recipient for this type of feedback.
11. Non-purposeful use of the Sales System and its content
11.1. The non-purposeful use of the Sales System and the copying, reproduction, changing and publishing of the data (including the contents of this site) for any purposes whatsoever, without the written consent of Estravel, is forbidden.
11.2. Any actions that would result in an overload or interference in the operation of the reservations system are forbidden and will be considered an illegal attack and will be reported to law-enforcement bodies. In the event of such an offence, Estravel will unilaterally stop offering its services to the customer.